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“Boot camp” summer swim classes for kids!

This year Mt Vernon RECenter is offering several “boot camp” style group swim classes for kids! They meet the same number of times as a regular swim class, but on a M-Th morning schedule for two weeks, so you can get a jump start on proficiency for summer fun or work around vacation plans.

I will be teaching all but one week of these classes! (The second week of August- I’m not sure who will sub for me but I will make sure they are well prepared with lesson plans, so that week should be just as awesome as the rest!) I will have levels 1-4 for kids age 3-6 and levels 1-3 for kids age 6-13.

I can’t promise your kid will be able to out-swim a shark if they sign up, but I *can* promise they will have fun, learn how to stay safe around water, and that you can skip the sunscreen for at least one thing this summer since we are an indoor pool. 🙂 You can get class codes here: and sign up through Parktakes here: (just put the class code in the search text box and it should come up!)

**I will also continue to teach all the parent/child classes offered at Mt Vernon- they are on the weekends and you can find them by putting the location and your child’s age into the search box at the Parktakes link above, and looking for “and me” in the class name!

children watching sharks swim in an aquarium creative commons attribution