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Swimming PPE update!

As of Monday, August 9 2021, ALL staff and patrons, including those fully vaccinated, will be required to wear a mask in the building unless they are in the pool or actively engaged in exercise.

2/28/22 update: Per the latest CDC guidance and our local “green” transmission status, I am offering the option to request that I wear a mask during your child’s lesson. You do not need to give a reason! I am happy to protect my students by wearing a mask for everything except demonstrations if that’s your preference.

There is a video of me wearing a mask and talking about COVID procedures in the FAQ. Please feel free to request additional, personalized video for your child, if a preview will help them get used to seeing me in my mask.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so forthright and proactive about canceling if your child is ill or has a confirmed or suspected exposure to a COVID positive person! Your transparency has helped me maintain my confidence that I can teach without endangering my students. 

The RECenter page outlining current COVID protocols is here, if you’d like to review it: FCPA Coronavirus Response Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

See you soon!